A Houston Criminal Defense And Personal Injury Law Firm With A Nationwide Reach.

Fight Assault Charges With Our Determined Lawyer

When facing charges of assault, battery or other violent crimes, it is vital to secure your defense early in your case. A misdemeanor or felony conviction could lead to numerous consequences, including jail time.

Juan L. Guerra, Jr. & Associates represents clients in Texas and throughout the United States who face complex criminal charges, including assault and aggravated assault. We approach assault and battery charges the same way we approach any criminal defense case at our firm: with a focus on achieving the best results possible for you.

We Are Vigilant In Finding The Facts

Unfortunately, there are situations in which someone wrongfully accuses another person of assault or battery. It is critical that your attorney can confront the details of your case to find the truth and protect your freedom.

Mistaken identity can happen. Due to darkness, intoxication or drug use, leading questions after the fact, poor memory or another reason, a person who did suffer an attack might accidentally name an innocent person as the suspect. However, if there is any reasonable doubt that you committed a crime, we will highlight the possible errors.

In other cases, the accuser may intentionally accuse an innocent person of assault. Whether for revenge or some other motive, the accuser may inflict real bruises and wounds on themselves – then submit a false police report against you. We are quick to detect inconsistent testimonies and other issues to protect you.

No matter what the evidence against you may be, we are ready to stand up for your rights. Juan L. Guerra, Jr. & Associates has extensive criminal trial experience, and we can fully defend you.

Get Experienced Representation Today

Every moment of your case matters. Call (713) 489-6839 or email our office in Houston to discuss your case with us at a free consultation. We will do what it takes to build a strong legal defense that gets you the best possible results.